Monday, June 16, 2008

Rest in Peace

Stan Winston

You dazzled us.

1 comment:

nyborn said...

Shawn, I apologize for placing this comment/question under the wrong topic but I wished to contact you regarding your Amazon review of "The Timeless Myths: How Ancient Legends Influence the Modern World," your comment, 'Myth shouldn't be only about presenting fanciful stories and then unveiling the obvious metaphors within, we need to go deeper and find out why was this particular story created in the first place?' I'd be very interested in your insights and suggestions to resources that address this. As a fellow storyteller, I'm curious to learn more about and how 'A good story takes the patterns that have spoken to the human soul for the last six thousand years, and reaquaints us with those patterns and at that the end of a good movie, we feel a little bit more about knowing our place in the universe, even though we might not be able to express it that way. We feel that something about the human heart makes a little more sense to us, something about the human dilemma, the human condition makes a little more sense to us at the end of a movie, if it’s a good movie. These are the movies that haunt us, these are the movies that we remember. This is the function of great myths, they make us feel connected to the primeval patterns that underly the cosmos itself, and they reconnect us with the universe.' - Gordon Farrell, NYU Instructor.

Thank you and best regards,
